Rants Mailed to Me
Anyone who sends me
anything had better be prepared to have it published and mailed to all their
August 19th 2002
This one was sent to me by my
freaking cousin none the less.
So..... I got one of the few opportinuties
to use this hellish infernal machine and what do I find............ an other
useless webpage being used up on the "bookmarks" area. And
what do I see...... my "but ugly fat cousin that has no right to
complain like he does all the goddamed time!". I haven't
seen you since Christmass and you are still a whiney bastard! ; )
Smarten' up and quit yer whinen!
You chose to live in Ox-fart and that's yer own goddamed problem. If
you hate blueberries, you could move to a better town that's not run by a corperate
bastard! And if you are worried about getting grey and going
bald, then you can join the F@#%in
I am drunk and this is Steve!
The KING of negativity!
Cheers buddy!
P.S. Don't even think about getting mad about
this E-mail. And you're not ugly!
I underlined all of his
spelling mistakes just to piss him off. The fact that he got drunk and missed
the whole point to the website just makes it funnier.
August 19th 2002;
I don't know who sent this
It gets one point for
succinctness, but otherwise is just dumb.